AutoCount Accounting 1.9 and AutoCount Point of Sales 3.1 End-of-Life Notice

We hereby would like to inform you that AutoCount Accounting version 1.9 and AutoCount Point of Sales (POS) version 3.1 will enter its End-of-Life phase on 31st March 2023.

If you still wish to proceed with your purchase of AutoCount Accounting 1.9 or AutoCount POS 3.1, please read and understand the following terms & conditions before placing your order:

1. There will be no more program upgrades or updates for AutoCount Accounting 1.9 and AutoCount POS 3.1 after 31st March 2023. Meaning we will not fix any bugs, adding enhancement or amend statutory changes such as tax requirements on AutoCount Accounting 1.9 and AutoCount POS 3.1 after End-of-Life.
2. For any new or existing users, we strongly encourage you to go or upgrade to our AutoCount Accounting 2.0 and AutoCount POS 5.0 which offers more functions and features.
3. For Accountants, we encourage you to go for our AutoCount Cloud Accounting which is very suitable to Accountants. However, you can still go for our AutoCount Accounting 2.0 if you felt that you are more suitable on a non-cloud system.

For further details, you may contact our authorised dealers or our sales personnel and we are happy to assist.
If you decided to proceed with the purchase of AutoCount Accounting 1.9 or AutoCount POS 3.1, kindly sign the slip below to acknowledge your acceptance and agreement to the terms & conditions stipulated above for our record purpose.

Click here to download the form